BE THE ONE to give your students the tools to succeed in a highly coveted STEM career. Ask yourself "how many of my students are prepared for life after high school?" Are all school districts and students offering the same advantages across the board? If the answer is "no", then BE THE ONE to introduce your students to the STEM courses they will need to succeed!
NJCTL is proud to answer this call by providing, for free, the Progressive Science Initiative® (PSI®) for teaching, K-12 science and the Progressive Mathematics Initiative® (PMI®) for teaching K-12 mathematics using a modern, inclusive teaching approach.
Your generous donation will help us to continue to strengthen and improve our materials and to help you shape your students. Give them the opportunity to someday say that their physics, chemistry or mathematics teacher is the reason they are successful today!
Click here learn about the benefits of becoming a member of NJCTL with a $95 donation.
Thank you for being part of our vision!
NJCTL is a charitable 501(c)(3) organization with tax ID number 770-667-571. All donations are tax-deductible within the extent of the law.